Greenhouse Gas Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Platform (GHG MRV)

Update of projects – detailed information in Strategic Plan

So far, the greenhouse gas monitoring, reporting and verification (GHG MRV) platform has been moving towards the implementation of the four challenges mainly through the submission of climate market accelerator (CMA), Pathfinder and Innovation projects.

The current project portfolio is:

  • Off4firms (Challenge 4): inciting households to reduce their emissions using their employers as a levy. Coordination South Pole
  • Carbocount and CarbocountCity (Challenge 3): provide territories and cities with dedicated cost-efficient GHG MRV tools based upon atmosphere. The latter is happening now in Paris and Rotterdam. Coordination UVSQ and CEA
  • Open-Atmosphere Forum (Challenge 2): create a network of stakeholders involved in waste-treatment facilities to highlight customer’s requirements and operating constraints. CMA Coordination AriaTech
  • MRV-MS (Challenge 1, 2, 3, 4): this pathfinder study will screen the competitiviness ofvarious MRV technologies to serve as a guide for the platform. Co-ordination CDC-Climate

Two new projects were also submitted with facilitation by the Platform, for the end of March deadline:

  • FORES REDD MRV (Challenge 1): the goal of this project is to define cost-efficient MRV tools for tropical forests. This project is undertaken by a global industrial player and involves several potential end-users. This will hopefully give much visibility for Climate-KIC at international level as climate negotiations clearly revealed the need for the tools the platform is trying to develop.
  • FuME (challenge 2): this project will develop business-ready MRV tools for quantifying methane fugitive emissions from waste and waste-water treatment, gas distribution networks, regulators. This project also involves directly end-users who showed their interest through letters of support and by allowing projects partners to operate directly in their facilities.